Blacksmith Hammers & Hand Tools

What is needed to be a blacksmith?

Aside from a forge for heating cold metal to the correct forging temperature (high temperatures, which differ depending on not only the type of metal, but also the carbon content of the metal), a Blacksmith needs various blacksmithing tools. Below is a list of essential hand tools a modern day blacksmith may need.

Essential Blacksmiths Hand Tools

  • Hammers

  • Tongs

  • Anvil (not quite a hand tool, but needed to use many blacksmiths tools)

  • Anvil Tools (hardy-hole tools)

Blacksmith Hammers

Intro: Blacksmiths use hammers of various sizes and styles, each for a specific use. Below are various types of blacksmith’s tools.


Types of Blacksmith Hammers


Blacksmith Tongs

Tongs are an essential part of a blacksmith’s toolkit. There any many different types of tongs. In fact, most blacksmiths make their own tongs (or at least some of them). However, when starting, there are many places to buy blacksmith’s tongs in the UK.

Below is a list of the types of blacksmith’s tongs and their uses.

Types of Blacksmith Tongs

  • Wolf Jaw Tongs

  • V-bit Bolt Tongs

  • Z Offset (Z-Jaw) Tongs

  • Flat Jaw (Nosed) Tongs

  • Duck Bill Tongs

  • Box Jaw Tongs

  • Pick-up Tongs & Rivet Tongs

Blacksmith’s Anvil

just an intro paragraph & then link to the anvils section)

Blacksmiths Chisels

Blacksmiths use chisels for many purposes… from marking steel & cutting patterns, to cutting right through steel.

Anvil Tools (Hardy Tools)

  • Hardy Bending Tool

  • Hot Cutting Anvil Tool

  • Hardy Bending & Scrolling Jigs

  • Anvil Hardy Cone

  • Anvil Hardy Swages